
interesting experience for me. Adele insists that we go to a dancing school when we finish this, but I swear I will not. She says I will change my mind.

It was a big fire that Halloween, but it started a bigger fire within me, one that will never die out.





Phi Pi Epsilon (FPE to you) continues to forge ahead under the guidance and tutelege of Fran and Sheila. The first issue of the Newsletter is off the press and is a really good production. Both girls are to be congratulated, especially Fran who had the pro- duction task to perform. In this connection may we extend thanks and appreciation to Shirley, Fran's A-#1 wife who did the typing and I'm sure contributed mightily in other ways to the success of the issue. Would that there were more like her.

FPE has been divided into Regions not only in the continental US but in the rest of the world with a Councillor and Deputy appointed for each. Rules and procedures have been set up as well as a security manual so that everyone's interests are protected yet we will be able to have groups gradually forming in areas where there now are none. Most particularly of interest is the new European group presently located in England. They have picked the name of the "Beau- mont" Society after, guess who. 5 girls were present at the first meeting and a second will have been held by the time this gets in your hands. Giselle our charming Cover Girls of TVia #32 is the Councillor for the area. All European F.P.'s wherever located invited to apply.


We have many readers who are not members and who might well be. Applications are sent on request to those who show on our records at Chevalier as having purchased at least 5 copies of the magazine. Approval is by Fran, Sheila and myself and an inter- view with the Councillor in the Region. FPE is for true FPs, fetishists, bondage, humiliation, gay and other fringe interests are not invited.